Statistical learning
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什么是machine learning
How can a machine learning algorithm use experience to improve future performance
其中Experience = Data,Future = Data not yet seen,Performance = Error function or loss function
什么是Statistical Learning
Statistical learning refers to a vast set of tools for understanding data. These tools can be classified as supervised or unsupervised —ISLR
Supervised statistical learning
Building a statistical model for predicting, or estimating, an output based on one or more inputs
Each X (observation) is associated with a Y (target)
- Linear Regression
- Decision Trees
- Deep Learning
- Support Vector Machine
Unsupervised statistical learning
there are inputs but no supervising output; nevertheless we can learn relationships and structure from such data
We have X but no Y (target)
- Hierarchical Clustering
- K-Means
- Mixture Models
- Self Organizing Maps
- Autoencoders
主要以supervised为例, 就是想得到一个映射,从f(x)可以得到y.
Reducible and Irreducible Error
用squared error来推导
红色框框则为Reducible Error,蓝色框框则为Irreducible Error
- Reducible具体意义就是error that can be reduced by optimizing hyper parameters of f(x)。让我们模拟的f(x)更加接近真实的f(x)。
- Ireducible具体意义就是不可预测的误差,类似于实验总会有误差,给出的dataset总有没考虑到的feature,而且取样会有误差
Estimate f
Inference: Apply model on unseen data to assess performance.
Parametric Methods (参数法)
Makes an assumption about the shape of f,then use a procedure to fit or train the model and reduce the loss function for the model
对现有的sample进行一个假设,例如线性关系,然后通过调参训练,减少loss function来得到一个较好的模型
Nonparametric Methods (非参数法)
Don’t make assumptions about f,try to get as close as possible to the training data but not too close,the more data, the better the fit, but the harder to interpret.
不进行假设,就是尽量拟合数据,数据越多,效果越好,但是难以解释model,interpret。 比如随机森林
Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE 极大似然估计)
Estimate the probability distribution parameters that are most likely to best represent the data.
MLE can be applied to any probability distribution
ps:在线性回归中,mle得到和least squares同样的公式